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At Kensington House we believe that children need to have their childhood.  After all, it only happens once!

Therefore, as unusual as it might sound, the majority of homework will be done at school and within school’s usual operating hours.

Homework is supposed to help children to learn how to work independently. However in practice, based on recent research it does not happen. It causes unnecessary stress for the child and the parent. After completing a whole day at school, children want to relax, play and possibly tend to extracurricular activities that help them develop their individual interests further. We want our pupils to have the time to do so.

At the nursery level, children receive homework on Fridays, but only in their final term, before they are due to join Reception class. This helps them develop the concept of homework. At this level it is all optional and children can choose if they want to do it. Our current students are very eager and proud to submit their homework on Mondays as they get rewarded for doing so.

Reception class will be required to do their homework 3 times per week, 2 of which will be completed at school with their class teacher. They will take their homework home on Friday however. This will be an opportunity for the parents to see what their child is currently working on at school.

Form 1 will complete their homework 4 times per week, yet again children will take it home on Fridays only.
Form 2 will complete their homework 5 times per week and take it home on Fridays.
Form 3, in preparation for the 8+ exams, will be taking their homework home 3 times per week.

Reading will be encouraged at school as well as at home throughout the school year.
The above is a reflection of children’s natural way of growing their attention span and focus, which happens gradually. Therefore we believe that the amount of homework they receive should grow gradually as well.

© 2018 Kensington House Schools


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